Astrological predictions
April 23, 2020

Stay calm and strong with these suggestions in mind

Staying calm and strong is essential when in the midst of chaos or when we are experiencing a worldwide epidemic. Fear is not going to do us any good that is why we have to use this time to help us and our family to become stronger together. In this article, we will give you […]
March 03, 2020

Infertility is Common – You Are Not Alone

Infertility is a sensitive subject, most people don’t want to talk about the struggles in their lives. This includes the subject of infertility, but know that you are not alone! Many women can relate to this fact – most of them spent their 20’s worrying about getting pregnant, but when they hit their 30’s, they […]
February 18, 2020

Are you in a healthy relationship? How to build one?

We are meant to be – is it as easy as it sounds? Is a healthy relationship one where your partner will compliment you and bring out your best qualities? Will you begin to see untapped opportunities within yourself and in the world just because you are with this person? That may be the case, […]
Astrological predictions
February 12, 2020

Could astrology boost your chances of falling pregnant?

When will I fall pregnant? Can astrology increase my chances of having a baby? Next to love, falling pregnant is a topic that is the most emotional, filled with joy and heartbreak. There are definitely transits and progressions that point to times when you are more likely to become pregnant looking from the astrological point […]
All about periods
February 05, 2020

Food cravings during periods, why do I crave chocolate

Is it normal to have food cravings during periods? Do you recognize yourself in this situation – food cravings during periods? Our menses are just about to start and all we are craving is chocolate, ice cream or chips. We are more irritable and tired and we want just to lay in our beds and […]
Astrological predictions
December 16, 2019

2020 Yearly Horoscope for each Zodiac Sign

Yearly horoscope predictions for 2020 Author: Agnese Furmane, certified astrologer Are you ready to find out your yearly horoscope predictions for 2020? I have prepared yearly predictions for each zodiac sign. In 2020 we are going to put a strong foundation for future opportunities and further growth, as well as receive rewards for a job […]