Astrological predictions
October 27, 2015

How Long Does It Take to Get Pregnant?

For many women, there is the thought that as soon as you come off birth control you will get pregnant. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that. According to statistics, just 20 couples out of 100 will find success within the first month. So, how long should you expect it to take to get pregnant, and when can you start worrying about fertility problems?

The Majority Will Conceive Within the Year

Most healthy and fertile couples will conceive within the first year of trying. However, it can take some couples longer. There are various factors that go into this, including getting your cycle just right and planetary alignment.

The statistics offered are average. There are some couples that are extremely fertile, and will find it extremely easy to get pregnant. Others will have some fertility issues that leads to them taking longer. The majority of couples that have no fertility problems will conceive within two years. If you have tried for the last 12-24 months, it may be worth talking to your doctor to see if there are any issues. Women over 35 will want to seek medical help sooner due to fertility dropping at this point.

What’s Stopping You From Getting Pregnant?

There are many reasons couples struggle to get pregnant. Age of the woman is an issue. Fertility peaks during the early 20s, so waiting longer can make it much harder to have a baby. However, it is certainly not impossible and there are healthy women in their 40s conceiving easily.

Your lifestyle and diet, as well as your partner’s, can also affect fertility. The more stressed you are, the harder you will find it is to conceive. Many couples find that if they stop worrying about conceiving, it happens more easily.

Weight issues will also affect fertility, whether you’re over or underweight. Following a healthy and balanced diet and getting any weight issues under control will help to improve the chance of conceiving quickly.

Medical issues around that area will have an effect on fertility, and this applies to men and women. Women with a history of reproductive problems or inflammatory diseases may find it harder to conceive. Men with testicle or sperm issues can also find they have problems.

You never know until you try. When you decide that you want a baby, it’s important to come off your birth control and work out your ovulation cycle. This can take a couple of months to work out, so you know your most fertile period. From there, you can make changes to make it easier to conceive.

If you’re trying to conceive Astrology also plays a major role. Maybe mother nature has different fertile periods prepared for you? Check it out from our app that we have created together with professional astrologists.